Close youth prisons

Collaborative poster for Project NIA to get the word out on their mission to close youth prisons in Illinois. Technique for creation included multiple layered hand cut and spray painted stencils scanned into digital format.

• Inspire action among adults
• Simultaneously engaging the youth
• Advocate for Project NIA and their goals

• By simulating prison bars over the state of Illinois we identify the state-wide epidemic facing our youth
• The number 8 ties into the idea of imprisonment of our youth, which is the number of youth prisons currently in Illinois.
• The imagery being presented as a spray painted stencil reflects this poster’s accessibility. It relates the viewer to rally/protest/street art

Anu Murthy        Audrey Green
Ivan Alonso        Mai Nguyen
Mei Hsieh           Michelle Wu
Noel Rivard        Quinn Keaveney
Sam Snyder